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What is BodyFX?

BodyFX is a non-invasive treatment that delivers radiofrequency energy, improving blood circulation and dispersing heat to the deep tissue. Negative pressure is used to attach skin to the RF electrodes to create uniform heating over the dermis and subdermal layers. Patients love the results.

The first and only non-invasive body contouring technology proven in peer-reviewed and published human studies to both permanently kill adipose tissue and contract the skin.

How It Works

BodyFX is the first and only non-invasive body contouring and cellulite technology proven in peer reviewed and published human studies to both permanently kill adipose tissue and contract the skin. BodyFX addresses problematic fatty tissue in larger body areas such as the abdomen, back (flanks), and thighs. BodyFX works by using different clinically proven modalities including radio-frequency energy and negative pressure applied to the skin and underlying fat.

Key Benefits


  • Acquire. Control. Extend. Technology to safely optimize peak energy.

  • Pre-heating of tissue reduces threshold for selective apoptosis of fat cells.

  • Sophisticated tissue temperature and impedance monitoring achieves and maintains optimal temperature end points to prevent atrophic damage.

  • Active temperature monitoring and control with cut-offs for unprecedented safety, virtually eliminating risk of thermal injury.

What can you treat?

BodyFX’s vacuum pressure and controlled energy target sub-dermal fat to deliver body treatment solutions.

BodyFX treatments focus on skin and deep tissue to deliver proven, effective results in reducing the appearance of cellulite.


BodyFX’s technology targets deep adipose tissue across multiple problem areas.

Before & After

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What is MiniFX?

MiniFX is a non-invasive treatment that delivers radio-frequency energy, improving blood circulation and dispersing heat to the deep tissue, improving the appearance of skin and cellulite in smaller areas, such as the neck, arms and knees. Negative pressure is used to attach skin to the RF electrodes to create uniform heating over the dermis and subdermal layers. Patients love the results.
A new, non-invasive solution to reduce the unsightly appearance of cellulite in smaller areas like the arm, neck and knees.


How It Works

MiniFX is non-invasive contouring and cellulite technology that delivers a combination of clinically proven modalities, similar to the BodyFX, however, addresses problematic fatty tissue in smaller areas like the neck , arms, and knees.

Key Benefits


  • Acquire. Control. Extend. Technology to safely optimize peak energy.

  • Pre-heating of tissue reduces threshold for selective apoptosis of fat cells.

  • Sophisticated tissue temperature and impedance monitoring achieves and maintains optimal temperature end points to prevent atrophic damage.

  • Active temperature monitoring and control with cut-offs for unprecedented safety, virtually eliminating risk of thermal injury.




What can you treat?

MiniFX’s RF technology minimizes the appearance of cellulite and dimpled skin. This proven procedure provides patients with individualized solutions to target small problem areas.

MiniFX’s vacuum and controlled RF energy targets adipose tissue to deliver effective solutions.


Before & After

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More Info

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Official website info:


Please visit the official website to get more detailed information:


You can find us at using our clinic info:

Evergreen Medical Spa

1650 Elgin Mills Road East unit 208

Richmond Hill ON L4S 0B2 (905) 780-8612

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